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프로그래밍/Sencha - ExtJS, Sencha Touch

swfobject 사용하기.

version : ExtJS 4

위젯 형태로 include 가능.

SWFObject library version 2.2 이상 버젼 필요.

Ext.flash.Componentxtype: flash


This component allows several options for configuring how the target Flash movie is embedded. The most important is the required url which points to the location of the Flash movie to load. Other configurations include:

Example usage:

var win = Ext.widget('window', {
    title: "It's a tiger!",
    layout: 'fit',
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    x: 20,
    y: 20,
    resizable: true,
    items: {
        xtype: 'flash',
        url: 'tiger.swf'

Express Install

Adobe provides a tool called Express Install that offers users an easy way to upgrade their Flash player. If you wish to make use of this, you should set the static EXPRESS_INSTALL_URL property to the location of your Express Install SWF file:

Ext.flash.Component.EXPRESS_INSTALL_URL = 'path/to/local/expressInstall.swf';

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ExtJs xtype List.  (0) 2009.12.23